Tuesday, 3 June 2014

Style by Annie has arrived!

Hi lovelies,

You may be wondering why I haven't written a post for a while.

I promise I have a very good reason and haven't been neglecting you!

Nay, I have a brand-spanking-new website that I am dying to share with you!

It has a better, more beautiful blog attached as well as Events and Services pages so you can stay up to date with my business, musings and goings-on!

Did I mention my business has had a re-brand? Oh yes indeedy it has!

The new name is STYLE BY ANNIE.


The new website is at www.stylebyannie.com.au so pop on over and have a squiz.

If you need to reach me, email hello@stylebyannie.com.au

I so look forward to continuing this wonderful journey with you and thank you for your support.

Stylishly Yours,


Thursday, 16 January 2014

Live fashion shoot: Rachel

It's babe o'clock: Photo by Leighton Hutchinson

Styling the lovely Rachel for her new portfolio for HAUS Models was a treat in a live photo-shoot the fabulous Hustle&Scout: Twilight Fashion Market.

If you need me to style you for your model portfolio, email me at anniebrownstylist@gmail.com x